The Confidential News

Find Out Why this Groom Expressed an Unhappy Face in His Wedding!

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Wedding is the most sacred part of a relationship. A ceremony to bound with each other and promise that they will do anything together whether the situation is good or bad. But there are people who are forced to marry someone they don't love. Is it the reason why this groom has a poker face?

Why does this man looks very unhappy on his wedding day? Find the reason why in this Article! 

This footage was caught by a Pinoy Wedding Producer named Aavron Delos Santos while having a post-nuptial video of this couple that was believed to be a newly wed.

The scene is that they were going to release the doves from their hands but an unexpected crazy thing just happened. After releasing the birds , kids started chasing the doves and unfortunately ran in front of the camera which ruined the shot.

Now we all know why the groom has an unhappy face! Maybe for us it isn't a big deal, but it is for them because they have to shoot the whole scene all over again.

Source: TheDailyPedia


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