The Confidential News

Happy Wedding Photo Turns into a Nightmare

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We took photos to save the memories and captures the moment that we share together with our love ones. Some people travel through many places and captures it with their camera. Photography is even more popular especially if there's an occasion just like birthdays , parties , and of course weddings.

But in this article , a newlywed couple took a selfie together as new husband and wife. They never realize what is wrong with this picture until the husband shared their photo.

At first, we could only see their glowing smiles that shows happy thoughts.But look closely and take time to stare at the photo.
Before you say it's obviously a weird, impish-like photobomber, you should know that the husband captioning this photo admits they still don't know what's going on in the background.

"Me and my wife's favorite wedding photo...Until we saw what was between us,"

 he writes. "We still don't know who it was."

What do you think about their photo? Does it gives you goosebumps while reading this article?

Well, I did.
Source : Eonline 


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