The Confidential News

Janella Salvador Grieves Death of Her 'Oh My G' Co-Star Julia Buencamino

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Young actress Janella Salvador was saddened and shocked by the death of her Oh My G Co-Star Julia Buencamino that was recently reported lifeless in her room last July 7, 2015. Julia is the daughter of a well-known actors Nonie and Sharmaine Buencamino.

In the series, Julia Louise, 15, played the character of Aimee Chua, one of the closest friend of Salvador's character Sophie.

Janella Posted in her Twitter account :
"I am deeply saddened and shocked. No words. Rest in peace, bestie @hoolianabanana. May your soul be guided by G."

Even the other casts of Oh My G mourns after the death of the late young actress.

Doromal said: "Julia, Aimee, bestie... It was too early... The whole Family will be praying for you. You may Rest In Peace. #LifeGoesOn"

Mortel said: "C'mon Julia what happened ;( I still can't believe it. We shared a lot of moments together and always had the longest hugs ;( I just hope you're happy wherever you are now. #RipJulia

In a statement released Wednesday morning, the Buencaminos appealed for privacy also on behalf of those close to them, who wish to remember Julia and celebrate her life in peace and quiet.

They also expressed their gratitude to everyone sending them love and support at this time.

"We thank you for your love, understanding, and prayers of support during this time of profound grief. Julia led a beautiful and blessed life, and she will be fondly remembered and terribly missed by her family and friends," the family's statement read.

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