The Confidential News

Awful Baby Who was Born Without Anus Couldn't Afford Operation

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Most of the people, especially those who live on the streets could not afford to buy medicine for their illnesses. Some say that instead of buying remedies to cure their ailments, it is far way better to buy food to feed their family.

Image from Wereblog
But see the story of an awful baby who was born without an anus and could not afford their operation.

The condition of baby Guo Enze is very critical and expensive. He was born in the Shanxi province and in 80 days of his existence, he only weighs 5 pounds which is not very normal.

Image from Wereblog
Image from Wereblog
Image from Wereblog
Image from Wereblog
Image from Wereblog
He could not excrete wastes properly because he has an imperforated anus, which means that the supposed-to-be exit for his body wastes is blocked.

Because the family of baby Enze couldn't afford the surgery, the doctors could not pursue the operation.

The father of the baby Hongqing, who is a factory worker with a salary of $325 every month. And the mother, Ren Minge, is mentally ill.

They have posted a photo on Facebook saying:

"Please help save my grandson who is 80 days old, but has never seen the sun yet."

Please share your blessings to these people who needs it.

Source: Wereblog


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