The Confidential News

Swimming Pool Made Out of Flood Waters Covered a City in Japan Goes Viral Online!

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Japan was recently hit by a tropical storm named Etua, but instead of thinking of the problems that it cost them, people from their country were amazed by the flood that the storm brought to their place.

Well these photos taken from the Eastern Japan, Hamamatsu immediately went viral after showing how clean the flood brought by the typhoon Etua.

A Chinese site called Weibo uploaded the photo of the astonishing flood in a subway in Japan. Many people were not convinced by these pictures, claiming that these flood waters are cleaner than Chinese swimming pools.

This only shows how the people from Japan are well disciplined when it comes to disposing their own garbage and trash, which proves that their environment is one of the cleanest in Asia.

But remember, flood waters are known to be dangerous because of the dirt and bacteria that could be harmful to humans, so be careful and don't be too excited.

Source: Viral4Real


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