The Confidential News

The Reason Why Alden Cried ? Check this Out!

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Eat Bulaga family made Alden Richards cried after showing him their surprise that blows his mind last Friday, September 25 2015.
Screenshot from GMA Network
Alden burst into tears after being surprised by EB Dabarkads showing him his first ever solo album's gold record award.

The singer-artist said on stage that he didn't expected to have an award from his first album. He thanked the universal records for trusting and giving all their efforts to finish his album.

Alden thanks each and everyone who supports him in his career all throughout this rough journey.

We are all proud of you Alden Richards! Keep it Up!

Source: GMA Network


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  1. he didn't expected??? Can you edit that please?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. your article is chock full of grammatical errors, its annoying. nakakahiya.

    1. what do you mean by chock? Is it shock? check your spelling first before you comment. Even the grammar is not perfect, you don't have to comment that way. Be friendly. If you are really good at grammar, better to have a good heart as well.



