The Confidential News

Trending: Reaction of a Foreign Fan of Aldub While Watching them Meeting Each Other!

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The phenomenal love team of Aldub is taking over the world. A lot of fans are getting hooked up on watching Kalyeserye because of the twists of their story. Now the Aldub love team even has a foreign fan!

See the reaction of these two foreigners and watch them as they witness the most 'Kilig Moment' yet of Kalyeserye that trends on social media last Saturday after breaking their record with 5.9 million tweets in Twitter.

In this video, you could see them giggle while watching the scene. But then their reaction immediately changes after the controversial plywood stopped them from touching each other skin-to-skin.

These are the priceless reactions that overwhelms the show which kept them from doing a really great work to entertain more people.

Credits: Great Minds


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