The Confidential News

MMDA Caught on Cam Just Watching Two Person Fighting in Front of Them!

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The MMDA or Metropolitan Manila Development Authority should be doing their responsibilities of planning,monitoring and coordination functions. and in the process exercise regulatory and supervision authority within the areas of Metro Manila. But instead, Negligence of duty of some MMDA was very clear to this video.

Negligence of duty is the way of not performing or carelessness of a task given to a certain employee. The video was now spreading at the social media as it shows that there are two person fighting in front of many people including the MMDA enforcer whose just standing watching them. The video was taken under a flyover bridge.
Meanwhile, in the PhilippinesGanito ang libangan ng ibang MMDA enforcer 'pag hindi sila nangongotong ng mga motorista. hehePAKI KALAT NA LANG
Posted by Kupal Lord on Thursday, October 29, 2015

It is indeed very disappointing matter how we heard does bad deeds from this enforcer that suppose to be our heroes of safety and coordination.  The uploaded video owned by one Facebook user wants to show this to public to reach the authority of responsible government officials to make some action to this matter.

Credits: Kupal Lord


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