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Tips for the Down Side of Drinking -- How to Get Rid of Your Hangover in Just 81 Seconds?

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Did you try to drink alcoholic beverages all night while having fun to lessen your stress? Did you ever feels like getting wasted because of it?

We all love parties, a time for yourself to unwind, have a drink while getting a break after a busy working hours, or getting together with your friends you haven’t seen for a while. We like this moment but not the feeling after this. Everyone that drinks too much alcohol will surely give you hangover.

An uncomfortable feeling or combined feelings of headache, nausea, fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety and absence of hunger. These really suits, especially for those people who need to get up even if she/he had hangover.

How to get cure your hangover in 81 seconds?  Here are some stuff you should do to get rid of it such as drinking coffee, some energy drinks, eating honey, ramen and etc. Even getting upside down is
indicated in video, getting sweaty and get on the cold floor.

It is still better to drink as much as you can, than pushing yourself to your limits.

Credits: BuzzFeedVideo


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