The Confidential News

Watch How this "TORPE" Caught the Attention of His Crush!

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Every woman wishes to have a perfect guy who could much and takes care of their heart for the rest of their lives. But, before you could have them, you have to be patient waiting for that man of your dreams. To whatever standard that you have, it's still reasonable to pick someone that could surely exert so much effort for you.

A cute story in the one music video will make you feel in love. You could remember those high school and college days of your life. It's all happened inside the campus, the guy had a very huge crush to the one beautiful girl. He always had a lot chance to meet her, but he's a kind of a typical shy guy that too clumsy.

Watch the video below.
He tried lots of ways to impress her, but because of his personality, he couldn't reach out to her. One time, he tried to ask his friends to help him set up a fake harassment to the girl, the plan is he will come to rescue this girl so they could have the chance to talk.

Yes! His friends was in their plans, but because he was so slow, someone immediately rescue the girl instead. His friends received real punches and kicks from the rescuer. They've failed in their mission.

After the incident, he promised his friends that, that was the last time that he will be shy of her. Watch will happen to their love story after he bravely faces her.

Source: LF


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