The Confidential News

Police Authorities Dragged By Reckless Driver After an Accident!

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Reckless driving is a major moving traffic violation. It is often defined as a mental state in which the driver displays a nasty disregard for the rules of the road; the driver underestimates common driving procedures, often causing accidents and other damages.

Some of the reckless driving are driving in excess of the speed limit, in a dangerous way, passing red lights or stop signs, in circumstances that endanger others, not having proper lights, and etc.

One of our concerned netizens was able to capture a video giving an example of being a reckless driver. The unknown driver accidentally bumped a taxi at the fort and caused damages but instead of dealing with the incident, he ran away and tried to escape from the event.

They reached Poblacion, Makati and the reckless driver asked for a police help. But fate is not on his side this time; he was searched by the police and asked to give his license. While they are having an argument, the driver recklessly starts the engine and drove away without thinking that he dragged the policeman.

Watch the video and see for yourself how irresponsible the driver was!

Credits: Chev Acarial


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