The Confidential News

The Truth Behind The Dark Skin Around The Neck Baffles Everyone! Find Out Why!

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The internet has long been a source of much information, particularly medical conditions. Today, we are going to give light to a condition that has been going for a couple of years on Facebook. About a certain sign of the medical condition called diabetes: that dark ring around the neck. Is it really true that it is a sign of diabetes, or is it just another misinformation that has reached our social media?

Diabetes can either be Type 1, Type 2 or Gestational. Type 1 or juvenile diabetes usually begins in childhood. Type 2 occurs mostly to overweight and obese adults. Gestational diabetes, on the other hand, happens to some pregnant women. Diabetes is the inability of the body to metabolize (or breakdown) sugar. It is the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin which is a hormone that helps our body utilize the sugar in the food we eat.

According to Alyne Ricker, MD, pediatric endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, Massachusetts – “When your body starts pumping out too much insulin—which is common with type 2—receptors in the skin folds respond by making extra pigment”. So it is true that he dark ring on your neck may be a sign of Type 2 Diabetes. 

Ring pigmentation can also sometimes be seen on the armpit and groin but not everyone who has been diagnosed of this disease has this dark pigmentation. When in doubt, consult a physician and ask help from a Registered Nutritionist-Dietitian.


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