5 Amazing Commandments For The Best Looking Underarm!

1. Thou shall use a proper hair removal method. When it comes to underarm hair removal, the final answer depends on many factors. Shaving is easier, but you need to pick the right kind of razor and follow precise skincare tips to keep your kili-kili stubble-free. Waxing and hair laser removal are more expensive and also come with a list of care tips. In the end, it all boils down to what works well with your underarm skin condition.
2. Thou shall choose a deodorant that works.
Some girls need a strong antiperspirant while others are fine with organic formulas. Some choose roll-on, while others would rather go for the spray or stick kind. Pick a deodorant that suits your underarm skin condition, lifestyle, and perspiration level.
4. Thou shall keep perspiration at bay.
Sweating is a natural process that regulates the body’s internal temperature, but excessive perspiration contributes to BO. There are many ways to handle sweat, such as using antiperspirants and moisture. But when your perspiration level is out of control, it’s time to consult a doctor.
5. Thou shall pamper your kili-kili.
Give your underarms a weekly pampering treatment the same way you get a facial and spa service regularly. Exfoliate your underarms at least once a week with a natural scrub or body brush while taking a shower.