The Confidential News

After Seeing This, You Will Never Gonna Eat Hotdogs Ever Again!

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Claims about hot dog invention are difficult to assess, as stories assert the creation of the sausage, the placing of the sausage (or another kind of sausage) on bread or a bun as finger food, the popularization of the existing dish, or the application of the name "hot dog" to a sausage and bun combination most commonly used with ketchup or mustard and sometimes relish.

Hotdogs have been a part of breakfast along with bacons, eggs, breads and milk. But did you know that eating more than 12 hot dogs a month can give danger to your health and it could lead you to a serious illness known as leukemia and other types of cancer that requires treatment?

You are raising the chance of getting colorectal cancer by 21 percent for eating just one hotdog according to the American Institute for Cancer Research.

It was said on their research that a child who eats 12 hot dogs within a month has a higher chance of developing Leukemia.

Processed foods create a substance called Carcinogen which causes cancer in living tissues.

Source: CHH


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