The Confidential News

Home Remedies that Can Best Help You Get Rid of Underarm Hair for a Lifetime

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Many of the girls out there are already sick of looking for any possible solution that can help them get rid of excessive underarm hair. Having this problem can also leads to darken the underarm because as the hair from it always grow the tendency of removing it is also getting often which damage the surface of the skin.

But, worry no more! some people already discovered home remedies that can best help you get rid read of this problem. It's definitely effected and less hassle for removing all your underarm hair for a lifetime.

1.Lemon and Sugar
    -Just mix one tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoon of lemon to create a paste. Softly massage it into the area and rinse it well after with warm water. Do this at least twice a day.

2.Egg and corn flour
   -Create a paste by adding one egg white with one tablespoon corn flour. Apply it into your underarm and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing it with cold water. Do this once a day.

3.Milk ad turmeric powder
    -Combine two tablespoon of milk with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder then softly massage it until it become dry, wait for 15 minutes before washing it with water. Do this at least twice a day.

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