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How to Properly Clean, Unblock and Remove Your Ear Wax!

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Some of us may not know, but the main work of the wax is to protect the ears from bacteria and other external agents.

Most of the time, there is a slow and orderly migration process inside the ear canal in which earwax and skin cells are transported from the eardrum to the ear opening, where it can be easily removed.

Too much Ear wax may also build-up due to a narrowing canal resulting from some kind of infection or disease of the skin.

Some of the signs and symptoms of the accumulation of excessive earwax are earache, feeling of fullness in the ear, an uncomfortable sensation in the ear, noises in the ear (tinnitus), temporary hearing loss and itching.

Here are the simple natural remedies to unblock and remove hardened earwax from your ears.

Source: Home Remedies


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