The Confidential News

LOOK: Archaeologists Discover Artifacts That Back Up Jesus' Existence with Science!

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Most unbelievers of Jesus use science to disprove his existence. To those who refuse to believe in God, the concept of faith is incomprehensible. 

Unfortunately for these people, a group of scientists claims that scientific evidence has been discovered to verify the existence of Jesus Christ.

What has riled people up about this discovery is the fact that science itself has turned against those who use it to disprove God. 

Archaeologist and scholar Robert Hutchinson has dedicated his career in search of items from the New Testament in Israel. In his published book 'Searching for Jesus', Hutchinson found proof of the existence of Jesus.

In 2002, Hutchinson found archaeological proof about Jesus. The scholar was able to identify the tomb of James, Jesus' brother. In 1990, the ossuary of Caiaphas was also discovered. The tombs were verified by scholars of the New Testament.

However, some people remain skeptical, denying the scientific evidence found. It is understandable to believe that these artifacts are not enough proof that Jesus was truly a demigod. 

According to Hutchinson, the items found are accurate and perfectly fits those described in the Bible.

"There were incredible discoveries that were being made in New Testament studies that were just revolutionary," Hutchinson said.

"I found that nobody was talking about this in the media. They were still repeating theories about Jesus and the gospels that are a century old — the idea that Jesus was a deluded fanatic, an apocalyptic prophet who thought the world was going to end in his lifetime," exclaimed the scholar.

As written in Hutchinson's book, "Jesus was not an 'apocalyptic prophet' who thought the world was about to end. Jesus was not a 'zealot' revolutionary who wanted to kill the Romans. Jesus was not a Greek Cynic philosopher. Jesus was not an orthodox rabbi who accidentally got himself killed by causing a disturbance in the Temple. Jesus was not a world-hating Gnostic. Jesus was not a delusion fanatic who tricked his followers into following him."

"Instead, Jesus was just as the Gospels describe him: a fiery, courageous, charismatic populist who drew crowds by the tens of thousands and electrified all of Palestine with his strange and exhilarating announcement of God’s kingdom in their midst."
Archaeologists Discover Artifacts That Back Up Jesus' Existence with Science!

What's your take on this? Do you believe in Hutchison's claims? Tell us what you think in the comments section!

Source: LF

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