SHOCKING Reactions of Smokers After Seeing the Graphic Health Warnings!

The government aims to secure the health of the public. There are efforts implemented to stop or at least warn the public, about the detrimental effects of smoking. The Sin tax law has been signed and executed to fund the sick indigent citizens and discourage smokers to buy cigar, since it will be marketed at a higher price. Aside from that, a law obliging the tobacco companies to put a graphic health warning on cigarette packs has also been enacted. Nevertheless, the smoking public and the vendors have different reactions towards the bill.
Here is a video showing a shocking reaction of smokers:
The objective of the government is very admirable, but this is an issue of personal choice. Smoking is truly addictive, hence, it is not easy to stop. It is also evident that there is still a large portion of smokers who are not persuaded to change by the government's efforts. What do you think is the most effective way to convince a person to abandon this dangerous habit? Share your comments. :)
Source: TNP
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