The Confidential News

MUST WATCH: Another Shocking Video of Neri Naig and Chito Miranda in the Car!

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Everyone's dream is to have somebody on their side through ups and downs. The one who you can get along with all your failures and success. Most of all, somebody who will deal with all your sh*t.

That is what vocalist of Parokya Ni Edgar, Chito Miranda and his wife Neri Naig proved. There are no walls that can set them apart. Despite of criticisms they got from their scandal, they are still together and their love grows stronger and deeper.

After the big issue involving Chito Miranda and Neri Naig, another video will shock your day as what Neri Naig did in the car. 

Watch the video to see the full story.

So cute right? Once you feel you are loved and you know you are special to that person, you can do the craziest thing that you could ever imagine without being embarrassed. 

Sources: TCF  / YouTube


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