The Confidential News

WARNING: Avoid Eating SIOMAI, Find Out Why!

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Siomai is a traditional Chinese dumpling served in dim sum that is becoming popular all over the world. It is mostly made of ground pork, beef, shrimp and combined with extenders like turnips, carrots and wrapped in wonton wrappers or nori sheets.

You can cook it as steam or fried and is commonly eaten with a dipping sauce composed of a mix of soy sauce, calamansi extract, and chili sauce.

Do you feel hungry? Sounds so good right? But you must take note of this one.

Pork meat is one of the major ingredients of siomai and it has saturated toxins. It is because the pig eats leftover scraps, their own feces, bugs and insects, anything they can find. This in itself can explain why the meat of the pig can be so dirty. The toxins from those food will remain in their system to be stored in their fatty tissues and ready for our consumption.

A video below will show you how dangerous to eat pork meats.

Having a healthy body is very important. Each and everyone of us should watch on what we eat.

Sources: YouTube / TheArtikuloUnoNews


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  1. Pigs are raise in farms not in the backwards anymore nowadays, this information is just a plain hoax to bring businesses down. A good explanations with a wrong understanding leads always to detectable points.

  2. oh come on, even scientist eat pork.
    you retarded moron!
    this is not real of course.


