You Won’t Believe What This Female Sniper In Syria Did After She Narrowly Escaped Death!

Due to the nature of war, everyone is Syria is at risk of death. From the military personnel, to the civilians, to the volunteer aid workers, these people are under constant threat of a bullet or a bomb.
Footage of her escaping death is circulating online. It shows the Kurdish female sniper laughing after realizing that she was almost shot dead. The female sniper can be seen aiming at her target. As soon as she fired a shot, a bullet came streaking towards her. It was a close shot – right above her head.
Watch the video below to see the surprising incident:
The female sniper is believed to be a part of the YPJ (Women’s Protection Unit) – an all-women, Kurdish military branch of the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit. They defend Syria from attacks perpetrated by ISIS militants, and the Syrian government, as well as the Al-Qaeda terror group. The organization now has more or less 7000 volunteer fighters that range from 18 to 40 years old.
Were you shocked by the video? Post your reactions about the laughing female sniper in the comments section.
Source: LF
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