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Psychology Experts Revealed The Meaning Behind The Most Common Dreams You Can Have!

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Have you ever woken up from a dream you cannot stop thinking about? According to Elite Readers, dreams are messages coming from our unconscious which can help explain why we do the things we do. It may also be due to stressing events in your life that reaches out to you in your sleep.

Psychologist Ian Walace has researched on more than 150,000 dreams over his 30 years in practice. The dream analyst had compiled a list of the most common dreams people have and their respective meanings.

1. Falling – If a person is often dreaming of falling off a high place into somewhere unknown, it only means that they are holding on to something with tight grasp. It may be a person or a situation in the waking life. Letting go of what’s holding you back is key to relieve tension and anxiety. 

 Psychology Experts Revealed The Meaning Behind The Most Common Dreams You Can Have!

2. Discovering an unused room –  While dreaming, if you repeatedly come upon a room that you feel has never been used before, then it is possible that you are about to discover something new about yourself. It may be a talent or skill. Try recalling or exploring new things and you may just find out why.

 Psychology Experts Revealed The Meaning Behind The Most Common Dreams You Can Have!

3. Unpreparedness for an exam, presentation, or speech - In your dream, you have done everything to be ready for an upcoming presentation or performance, but still you are filled with anxiety and nervousness. It is a result of being afraid of committing mistakes. You are so worried and pressured that it crossed into your unconscious state.

 Psychology Experts Revealed The Meaning Behind The Most Common Dreams You Can Have!


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