The Confidential News

MUST WATCH: A Man Trapped In a Burning Building, What He Did Next Make The People Amazed!

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Everyone was so scared while watching the burning building. But what they scared the most was seeing a man who was trapped in the highest part of the structure. 

The man cannot go down because it was too late, the way down is not passable anymore. All of the people were shouting as they saw the fire was getting bigger and bigger. The man thought of a good idea and jumped down to the lower level of the building. Just right in time because the highest part of the building was swallowed by the fire.

From there, the firefighters picked him up by the use of the ladder of the fire truck. Everyone was cheering as they were very happy to see that the construction worker was saved. 

Watch the video below and see what really happened.

In times like this, we need to always have a presence of mind. Compose yourself and do not get panic. Because sometimes, no one is going to save you but yourself. 

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