MUST WATCH: This 12-Year Old Girl Committed Suicide While Live Streaming on Facebook!
A girl committed suicide while live streaming on Facebook. People were shocked after seeing it in their timeline and was rapidly shared by millions of people globally, according to the post, her reason is,
"I uploaded this to open people's eyes and ears to what happens as a result of Bullying. This young innocent little girl killed herselfcause of all the Bullying and stress she has been through and no one should have this happen. We need to take a stand and rise above and unite as one to stand up against "(anonymous)
You may watch the video below: (Warning Graphic Content)
Source: LackFeed
"I uploaded this to open people's eyes and ears to what happens as a result of Bullying. This young innocent little girl killed herself
You may watch the video below: (Warning Graphic Content)
Source: LackFeed