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She Is Addicted In Taking Selfies, Upon Looking at Her Pictures, What Happened Next Was Surprising!

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We know someone who is fond of taking selfies and they could not get enough done it. There is nothing wrong about it, however, giving so much time in taking selfies is somewhat disturbing and unnatural, and you could see someone's posts in various social media, not only a single shot of himself but multiple ones, having the same pose or angle.

With the invention of advanced technology of smartphones that have built-in cameras and numerous applications that improves and enhance the quality of images, many people nowadays are now addicted in taking selfies and they sometimes dubbed as attention-seekers online. It seems that they are expecting positive comments and, of course, many likes from their friends and followers.
There is a short film, which is now making the rounds online, that features about a woman who is so obsessed with taking selfies and posting those selfie pics immediately in her social media account, Instagram. Based on the video, she has the beauty and the body, however, she still felt insecure and seemed not contented with what she has.

Checking her Instagram account is her very habit, and one time suddenly happens! 

Watch the creepy video below for you to find out what happened to her.

Selfie Addiction: People Who Post Self-Potraits On Social Media Are Extroverted, Social Exhibitionists

In an article written by Lizette Borreli of Medical Daily, there is a relationship between self-esteem and selfie posting among people. Though others are 'conceited' to themselves to post more selfie pics, the relationship is irrelevant between self-esteem and frequency of taking selfies. The researchers investigate the differences of the result of these two conclusions from measurements they used for self-related activity.

This effort of digging into deeper personalities of these kind of people has been made by psychologists from Germany and Poland. The study was divided into two over 1,200 men and women. In the first study, about 750 men and women were asked to count number of selfies in their personal social media in the previous month. They also completed three personality questionnaires: the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Extraversion Scale of the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, and the Murray Social Exhibitionism Index.
The participants reported posting up to 350 selfies, up to 200 taking pictures with a relationship partner (others called it "relfies"). As compared to men who only posted with an average of 3.3 selfies a month, women has a result of 6.7. This has been shown a great difference between gender who are making selfies. On the other hand, there has been no significance found on relfies on men and women, with the results of 1.72 and 1.2 a month respectively.

Based on the tests, the researchers concluded that men and women who scored high on extraversion and social exhibitionism posted more selfies. In addition to the result, there has been no relationship between self posting and self-esteem. The people of the same gender have a big ego or hidden with self doubt are no more or less likely to share their pictures, but further research has found out a link between heavy usage of Facebook account and low self-esteem.

Sources: LFYouTube 


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