The Confidential News

Dead Teen Mom Screams Out for Help Inside Her Coffin...Everyone was Baffled so They Did This!

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A confounding footage shows how the family of the dead teenage mom breaks through her tomb smashing it after hearing her screaming for help.

The husband Rudy Gonzales claimed that he was the one who have heard banging and subdued screams coming inside the tomb when he visits her wife the day after her funeral.

He immediately told the family of his late wife to get some help and break through the thick tomb. The family then desperately smashed the concrete in hope to revive the woman inside. The supposed dead wife, Neysi Perez was brought by a truck to the nearest hospital.

Dr.Claudia Lopez said that they evaluated and tried everything, but all the efforts that assumes that she was still alive have failed and she was again declared dead for the second time around.They put the body of her again in the coffin and took her back into the Cemetery.

The doctors said that she suffered from a panic attack which had temporarily stopped her heart beating. She even had suffered from a cataplexy attack which causes a temporary loss of the voluntary muscle functions typically triggered by a strong emotional stimulus or stress.

The girl might have died upon waking up from a coffin with a concrete tomb with lack of oxygen.

Do you have any thoughts about this confounding story?

Source: Wereblog


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  1. don't feed us with some fake and hoax stories...

  2. Can't see This VIDEO!



