The Confidential News

What is Hematoma? The Current Medical Condition of Ruffa Mae Quinto

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Recently, a Filipina celebrity Ruffa Mae Quinto revealed photos on her official social media account on what she's doing right now. Sadly, she's currently in the state of one of the hardest part of her life.

Image from Elite Reads Daily
The Sexy Comedian has bruises all over her body which can be expected in patients with leukemia and anemia, but there's also one that can cause this and that is hematoma.
According to Medicinenet, A Hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel.

Symptoms of hematomas depend upon their location and whether adjacent structures are affected by the inflammation and swelling associated with the bleeding. The treatment of this illness depends upon which organ or body tissue is affected.

Before, the Booba star had removed her implants so as to escape the ill effects of these to her health. The ill effects to her health include breast cancer.

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  1. Hematoma is NOT a disease. It did not cause the 'bruises." The bruises ARE hematoma. Hematomas do not have symptoms. Hematoma is the symptom.

  2. Hematoma is NOT a disease. It did not cause the 'bruises." The bruises ARE hematoma. Hematomas do not have symptoms. Hematoma is the symptom.

    1. if hematoma is a symptom then what is the disease?

    2. Lukemia and anemia are both top contenders for this one. Seriously, a few seconds of google could answer your question.

    3. It can also be lupus

  3. Hematoma is the medical term of bruise.....

    1. Isn't it ecchymosis?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Patricia Creencia
      August 31, 2015 at 3:05 PM
      Ecchymosis and hematoma are both bruises. The differences are color and that with hematoma, you could feel some elevation or something in the bruise area while with ecchymosis there's none.. Just reddish bruise that is flat.


  4. The medical term ecchymosis is what most people would recognize as a bruise, or blood that has leaked out of an injured blood vessel beneath the skin.. Another word for this injury is a contusion. An ecchymosis tends to be flat while a hematoma has more of a three dimensional character to it. As well, hematomas may occur in any organ and not just under the skin.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. You might want to revise this article

  8. I found a bunch of good articles on this subject here. Thanks!



