“Don’t Touch My Girlfriend!” Pres.Obama Got to Deal With This Jealous Guy!
Upon casting his ballot in Chicago on previous election there, President Obama got deal with this jealous boyfriend of Aia Cooper, the woman next to his voting booth. The man suddenly appears telling to the president: “Don’t touch my girlfriend”. This man is Mike Jones, Ms. Cooper’s fiancé.
Cooper was totally embarrassed for what her fiancé did to the president. While Obama replied immediately that he really wasn’t planning on it. Cooper apologized for her boyfriend didn’t know that he will going to say that. President Obama turns the scenario unto nice conversation.
Before he left, Obama gives Cooper a hug and kiss for getting back at Jones telling: “Now, He’s really jealous.” This was happened last October 2014, during U.S. election where Obama was helping the Democratic to push for early voting in Illinois, so he cast his ballot on the first day of early voting at Chicago, near his home.
Watch what happened when this man told Barack Obama: "Don't touch my girlfriend." Read more at http://bit.ly/1t4L2bP.
Posted by Sky News on Wednesday, October 22, 2014