Signs of Lung Cancer... You Might Have These Symptoms!

Heavy exposure to environmental tobacco smoke at work has been shown to double the risk of lung cancer. Cigarette smoking is the main cause of lung cancer. But pipe and cigar smokers are still much more likely to get lung cancer than non smokers.
Another thing is that even if you don’t smoke, being exposed to secondhand smoke at home, work, or in restaurants and bars can increase the risk for you to have a cancer in the lungs.
So here are the signs you need to know in case you might have this disease, lung cancer:
If you had that cough for 2-3 weeks already whether it is dry or producing mucus, you should see your doctor and he will listen to your lungs and may order an X-ray or other tests to know how was your lungs going.
A long-term, persistent and does not seem to go away in spite of treatment. It is a defense mechanism developed by the body in an attempt to keep the airways free of mucus or other debris. caused by an infection in the lungs or from outside irritants such as cigarette smoke or air pollution.
Medically speaking it is called as dyspnea; is likely to be experienced differently by many types of people, it is often described as an intense tightening in the chest or feeling of suffocation.
The pain is usually located on the left side of the chest above the bottom of the ribcage, but it's often hard to define its exact location. A pain in the left arm, neck, and jaw. Also it feels like there is a sharp, stabbing pain or a dull ache inside your chest. Go to your doctor right away whenever it occurs.
When you breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages. t is heard most clearly when you exhale, but in severe cases, it can be heard when you inhale. Tell the doctor immediately if you experienced this kind of difficulty in breathing.
Your voice gets deeper, hoarse, or raspier. Refers to a difficulty making sounds when trying to speak. Vocal sounds may be weak, breathy, scratchy, or husky, and the pitch or quality of the voice may change. It may also sound breathy, strained, or show changes in volume.
-Sudden, noticeable weight loss can happen after a stressful event, although it can also be a sign of a serious illness. If you think you have an eating disorder, talk to someone you trust and consider speaking to your doctor.
A feeling of a sharp pain, throbbing sensation or dull ache. Headaches may occur on one or both sides of the head, be isolated to a certain location, radiate across the head from one point, or have a vise-like quality.
It occurs as a result of a wide range of diseases and/or physical conditions and may severely impair the quality of life for patients who suffer from it.
Whenever this signs and precautions transpire might as well consult your doctor immediately to prevent lung cancer.