The Confidential News

Watch: Kuya Jobert Seriously Injured After Crashing on a Concrete Barrier in QC!

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Early this morning (November 20, 2015) a news shocked everyone when it was broadcast from News5 of TV5 that the Comedian Jobert Austria also known as "Kuya Jobert" was seriously injured after he had strongly crashed on the concrete barrier at Araneta Avenue, Quezon City about 03:30 am.

According to the witness the comedian hits first the old wagon on the street before he totally crashed on the concrete barriers at the side. Luckily, the person who owns the wagon didn't slept inside of it. Because some of the ambulance on the area was deployed due to APEC summit, it took one hour before the rescuer came.

His friend Ramon Santos was with him a night before the incident happened, according to him they went for a dinner around twelve midnight after Kuya Jobert's had a shooting for one program. The comedian was now on Medical City for his medication.

Source: TV5


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