The Confidential News

Husband Discovered His Wife is a Man After 10 Years... What He Said Really is Unexpected!

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A Belgian is seeking to have his marriage annulled after discovering that his Indonesian wife of 19 years had been born a man.

Jan, a 64-year-old Belgian man married Monica in 1993. Despite of legal difficulties, Jan was able to bring her to Belgium. 

The Belgian courts had serious doubts on Monica’s identity and authenticity of her birth but eventually they accepted her application. 

But it was only in recent weeks that Jan discovered that his wife had originally a man and undergone a sex change. "I feel I've been assaulted," he told the Het Nieuwsblad newspaper.

Jan said that his wife Monica had decided not to have children because she had two by her previous marriage. She even fooled him by using sanitary towels pretending to menstruate.

Finally, rumors began to surface and Jan found messages from other men on her computer, he confronted Monica that led to violent confrontation and police was being called. 

She then announced that she was born as a boy and that she had been operated. “My world collapsed”, the last word that Jan was able to utter after confronting his wife.

Credits: Witty

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  1. So wheres the unexpected part?

    1. i guess that's the unexpected part? haha the man found out that his wife is born as a boy and transform into a girl .. XD

  2. I wonder which country He met Her in... if its Thailand, then its not suprising...



