The Confidential News

Direk Wenn Deramas Passed Away of Cardiac Arrest

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This is a very sad and solemn day for showbusiness as blockbuster director, Direk Wenn V. Deramas died at the age of 47, due to cardiac arrest.

According to ANC's interview to one of the closest friends of Direk Wenn, June Rufino, the director went to Capitol Medical Center at around 2 A.M. to check her sister who was rushed due to heart problem. But he also suffered cardiac arrest and declared dead at around 6 in the morning, after attempts to revive him. It was reminisced that Deramas underwent heart surgery or angioplasty last year.

The award-winning director is the brain of the blockbuster movies such as The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin, The Amazing Praybeyt Benjamin, Sisterakas, Girl, Boy, Bakla, Tomboy, and the 2015 Star Cinema Metro Manila Film Festival entry, Beauty and the Bestie which has earned the title “Highest Grossing Filipino Film of All Time.”

Deramas' remains will be brought to Arlington Araneta and other details will be announced accordingly.

On behalf of the whole team, our deepest condolences to all relatives and friends of Direk Wenn. May his soul rest in peace and be with eternal happiness.

Share your sentiments below. :(

Source: ABS-CBN


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