65-year old man Married a 12-year old Lady!

This is actually a social experiment to see how civilians would react to this kind of scenario.
A lady was staggered and questioned the intentions of the senior.
Certain people surrounded the couple and reacted about what they saw. Others even interceded to the situation.

A guy even told the man, "This is not right, you know this isn't right. You can not do this to a little girl."
Another lady tried to pull the girl out of the situation and tried to save her. She argued with the 60-year old man and convinced him to liberate the girl.
This is a clear picture that child abuse will not be acceptable. Every kid in the world deserves to have proper shelter, education, safety, food and a bright future. No one has the right to steal the opportunity of the youth to live a happy and normal life in order to have a selfish gain. What can you say about this social experiment? Just type your reactions below. :)
Source: CrackerDaily