The Confidential News

Disneyland PH gone Viral on Social Media.. But What's the True Story Behind this Thread?

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An investment for Disneyland Philippines is one of the hottest topics that are currently making the rounds over the internet. It is an article about the alleged $350-million investment of Disneyland to build a theme park in the Philippines and making the netizens unaware that the news is coming from a website where they test the netizens on how gullible they are. It was disclosed by Buzz Pinas that the status update shared by the Real8 Facebook page was merely copied from – a website meant for social experiments.

Most of the netizens are unaware of the link that is attached at the bottom of the post. It is a link that points to the original source of the said article. According to, their intention to not to produce genuine news article but to simply check how gullible the netizens are. Included in the page is, “This is an experimental site created to measure the gullibility of most netizens who don’t know and/or refuse to use Google and other search engines in order to search the truth. Our purpose is not to tease, insult, mock, or bully a certain celebrity, people, or organization. This site is created for both entertainment and educational purposes”.

All of us should be reminded to always validate the reliability of articles made available in the social media world, as there are some websites that publish hoax posts and made you believe that it is true.

Source: KickerDaily

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