The Confidential News

Heartbreaking Love Story of a Couple Has Taken Over the Internet!

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Love is what we experience in any moment that we are with a special someone without having or believing any judgments about that person. Love is complete acceptance, a completely unconditional and perfectly selfless. But relationship of today is far different from what we have before (bringing the good old days). The meaning of love became distorted. People became confused on who to love, when to love and how to love truth and faithfully.

And there goes the desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long-term goals – temptations. This will lead a beautiful relationship to a nightmare of breakups. You will feel pain and emptiness which you’d think you never really deserve to feel. The confusion comes in and disappointment kicks you out of the blue. In the end, you find yourself looking for happiness with somebody else.

The video below is an example of how easily a couple got into a relationship after they met. They experienced trials and problems and easily solved it. Then, the girl suddenly lost her feelings towards the boy and finds another one which caused the relationship to end. There is more to explore and discover about love and we don't need to hurry. The perfect time will come for all of us to meet our "the one".

Truth about Long distance relationship now a days </3
Posted by Anthony C. Ace on Friday, September 25, 2015

Source: Chosentrends


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