The Confidential News

LOOK: This Kid Also Looks Like Jael, Could He Be The One?

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The buzz and hoolah regarding Ja el Flores, the child who has been missing for 5 years, continues. 

Ja-el was last seen in 2012, and since then his mother and father remained strong as they roamed and searched for him around the country. The couple went to Tarlac, Bulacan and other parts of the country, hoping to find where Ja-el really is. 

Just recently, the Jona Penamora Flores, mother of the lost child, dismissed the news that her child was the streetchild in Divisoria named "Balat". She rushed to Novaliches to try and talk to the child, but he refused to talk. Jona then realized it was not the best time to talk to him so he just decided to return at a different time.

This Kid Also Looks Like Jael, Could He Be The One?

In an effort to help out, another netizen posted a picture of a child she saw when their group conducted an outreach program in Better Living, Paranaque. 

"Eto po may nakita kaming bata last 2015 nung nag outreach kami 7yrs na ata yung bata dyn may balat din sa no…

Dito naming sya nakita sa may better living sa isang outreach mas kamukha sya ng nawawalang bata.” The Facebook user captioned on her post. 

This Kid Also Looks Like Jael, Could He Be The One?

She placed the picture of the child and Ja-el side by side. If you look at it, you can see the uncanny and undeniable similarities, including the round eyes and the birthmark on his forehead. 

Hopefully, Jona would catch the breeze of this news and finally be reunited with her son.

Would this mean that the most awaited reunion of this family is just around the corner?

Source: LF

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