The Confidential News

VIRAL: Man Dies While Still “Attached” to a Prostitute! UNBELIEVABLE!

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An elderly man literally went on a “journey to heaven” while making love to a sex worker. A short clip footage showing a man being wheeled away on a stretcher with a woman allegedly still “attached” to him has appeared online. The video first appeared on the Chinese video sharing website Miaopai and has been shared on LiveLeak.

In the video, the woman and the dead man were covered by a blue blanket as they were rolled away to a hospital in China. Although dying during sex is not common, an increase strain on the heart during love making may lead to a sudden cardiovascular attack. This condition is believed to more common among men than women. 

Furthermore, it is also possible for a man to get “stuck” in a woman during intercourse. This is known as “penis captivus,” this rare condition happens when vaginal muscles clamp down too firmly than the normal state. The penis can only be withdrawn if the vaginal muscles start to relax.

“The muscles of the woman’s pelvic floor contract rhythmically at orgasm. While those muscles contract the penis becomes stuck and further engorged,” according to UK-based sexual physician Dr. John Dean. One way in which doctors are able to separate people stuck together is by giving the woman an injection generally used to dilate the uterus of pregnant women. It is still undetermined whether the pair had been separated.

Source: The DailyPedia


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  1. I did not realize that it was the first of april



