The Confidential News

Best Home Remedies to Make Your Breast Perfectly Firm and Perky within a Week!

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Some of the girls are extending their eagerness to have a better posture of their chest by availing some expensive cosmetics or even desperately undergo for a surgery. 

Experts say the reasons of having this kind of problem is when a woman started to age, lack of sleep, eating unhealthy foods, and hormonal changes or change of weight. They found out that there are still treatments in this case without exerting too much money.
Image Credit: Cosmic Feed
These are the list of things that you should do to improve the size of your breast:

1. Exercise
Several pushups and criss crossing your arms from front to back will help the muscles from this area to stay its firmness and good shape. 

2. Olive or coconut oil
Just simply apply drops of any of these oils and massage it from the bottom to the top. The oil can bring the elasticity to the skin to form it firmly.

3. Ice
Gently rub a cube ice around your chest. The coldness of it can cure any damage tissues, and it could also relax the skin.

4. Damp it with a mask
Create your own mask combining 1 tbsp of yogurt, 1 vitamin E oil and egg. Leave on the skin for 30 minutes, then rinse it with warm water. 

Source: TNP


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