Do It For 15 Days And You Will See How Your Unwanted Belly Fats Disappear!
Many people today are getting conscious with their body. They are watching for what they eat and having a regular exercise. It is good to watch on your health, especially when you are getting older. Vegetables, fruits and foods that are rich in protein are the best partners in your diet menu.
One of the major problems is the unwanted fats that make our body look so annoying and lower down our self confidence. As they said, that losing belly fat is the hardest thing to do.
But don't you worry, just follow this simple but powerful remedy that can burn your unwanted belly fats quickly.
1 kg of Lemon
1 bag of Baking Soda
3 liters of Water
5-6 laces of Parsley
How to prepare:
First, you need to wash the lemon in the cold water and place it in a bowl and then fill it with warm water. Mix the baking soda in the water. Keep the lemon inside and leave it for an hour.
Next, chop the parsley including the stem in small pieces. Chop also the lemon including the rind.
Mix all together the parsley and lemon inside the pot and pour 3 liters of water as well. In a low heat, let it boil for 2-3 hours. Strain the mixture.
Drink it for 15 days every morning on an empty stomach. One dose should be the size of a brandy glass. After 15 days you will notice the development of your body shape.