The Confidential News

WARNING: Cancer May Be Prevented Through Monitoring Your Hands?

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Cancer is one of the leading causes of death around the word. With the cure still under research, many people think that having this disease would mean saying goodbye to your relatives and maximizing your time on the planet. However, prevention is still better than cure. Early signs of cancer may be observed in many ways. One of which is very interesting and easy to be aware of.

According to British scientists, symptoms of this chronic disease include:

  • Skin dryness or cracks; roughness and harsh feeling on the skin.
  • Recurring cough
  • Discomfort in the chest area
  • Fever
  • Breathing with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest
  • Change in the form and color of nails
  • Sudden weight loss
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Terrible abdomen or pelvic pain
  • Unstoppable bleeding
  • Swelling cysts
  • Discomfort in swallowing

Doctors advise that if ever you feel one of these, seek immediate medical attention. 

For us to understand it better, we have a video below:

Share this post and you might save one life. :)

Source: TNP


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