The Confidential News

MUST SEE: Cakes That Will Make You Think First Before Tasting!

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Desserts are part of the menu that many of us wouldn't afford losing. With the increasing number of diseases caused by sugar intake, the consumer's love of sweets becomes undeniable. That's why innovations to the world of pastry and baking have become rampant. Sugar free desserts are not available in the market. So as cakes of different sizes, forms, flavors and tastes.

These real cakes that we found viral online are truly amazing and unbelievable. If you are a sensitive, sweet tooth, you will surely doubt before eating them.

These renowned works of art are baked by Katherine Dey, a nurse from New York who was hooked on creating scary and disgusting, but very delicious cakes.

She is very talented in creating realistic designs from different inspirations. "I am inspired by a lot of things. I love that strange feeling I get when something looks real but it isn't. Or when a cake doesn't look particularly appetizing, but it is a cake and it tastes delicious, Dey responded to BuzzFeed."

She added: "I like to make people feel two conflicting things at once. The subjects I choose are the things that have interested me forever, be it, anatomy, mushrooms, or portaiture. I love portraiture. Making a portrait of someone helps me to really see them. I love the details."

Although some really look like nauseating, those who tried it were really satisfied with the taste. :)

Sources: BuzzFeed / Viral4Real


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