The Confidential News

MUST WATCH: Duterte Implements Death Penalty Again and Instructs "Shoot-to-kill" for Lawbreakers!

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Presumptive president Mayor Rodrigo Duterte has been known for his authoritative type of governance. According to some citizens from Davao, his way of leading has brought the city into success and now known as one of the safest cities in the world. On that note, Duterte wants to reinstate the death penalty.

“What I will do is urge Congress to restore (the) death penalty by hanging,” Duterte said yesterday in a press briefing in Davao. There is a clear directive that this penalty will be implemented against the heinous crimes or what not. He would implement a punishment by "hanging." One thing is clear, this is one of his steps in getting rid or decreasing drug and criminality rate, as he promised during his campaign.

Furthermore, the incoming president also said he would provide the security forces a "shoot-to-kill" order to oppose the criminals that will brutally resist during arrest. He mentioned: “If you resist, show violent resistance, my order to police to shoot to kill. Shoot to kill for organized crime. You heard that? Shoot to kill for every organized crime,” he mentioned.
You may watch a portion of his interview here:

Are you in favor to this kind of punishment? We always welcome your thoughts. :)

Sources: YouTube / Inquirer


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