READ: You Will Definitely Start Using Dental Floss After Reading This!

There is an array of products available in the market for oral care and they offer different kinds of effects. Dental floss is a powerful product that can be used safely and can amazingly do wonders. It might seem simple, but missing your dental floss has surprising results. We have discussed each below:
#1 Unhealthy Gums
- Gingivitis is a gum disease in which it is bleeding abnormally. Common symptoms also include swelling, irritation and inflammation of the gums. Everyone should take this issue seriously because if not, you might lose all your precious teeth eventually.
#2 Dental Cavity
- It is described as small holes in which bacteria can reside and apparently will result in tooth decay.
#3 Halitosis
- This condition is also known as "bad breath." When food particles get stuck in the small spaces between teeth and gums, they produce a foul smell which is the main cause of halitosis.
#4 Lung problem/pneumonia
- One of the severe results of poor oral hygiene is lung problem. Whenever you inhale in your mouth, certain microscopic bacteria go with the air and eventually cause respiratory diseases.
#5 Difficulty in pregnancy
- Pregnant women must take extra care of their teeth and gums because a simple gum problem can lead into serious complications like premature birth.
#6 Impotence
- Recent studies show that poor gum and teeth hygiene can be linked to erectile dysfunction.
#7 Head/Neck Cancer
Certain types of cancer like head, neck and tongue can be associated with poor oral hygiene. Bacteria can easily spread if you do not take hygiene seriously.
Most dentists say veneers should last up to 10 years. This Torrance dentist did mine 20 years ago and they are still good. I would not go to any other dentist.