The Confidential News

WATCH: This Couple Was Caught On Camera Making Out Inside The Public Bus!

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Couples who engage in public displays of affection can sometimes make things awkward for everyone else. 

We understand that sometimes it’s hard to get your hands off of the person you’re really into. 

Kisses and hugs are one thing, but full on make out sessions in a bus is another.

In this viral video, a couple was spotted on a bus laying on some serious PDA

The short 20-second clip features the guy with his hands all over the girl as she coyly tries to shove him back. 

The two didn’t even care that someone was there record the whole thing! A lady off-camera was heard saying, "Savage man, savage!" 

This Couple Was Caught On Camera Making Out Inside The Public Bus! SHocking!

This Couple Was Caught On Camera Making Out Inside The Public Bus! SHocking!

Guess that’s what happens when you’re serious about your feelings with somebody.


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