1. You can ask for more food.
The shorter shelf-life of excess food on an aircraft is the reason why they are removed immediately after every flight. These are sometimes eaten by the airline crews, so in case you are still hungry, do not hesitate to ask for more.
2. Life vests are sometimes not present.
There are some passengers who take home the life jackets and keep them as a souvenir. There are times that flight attendants overlook this, so to make sure you are during a flight, always check for the life vest under your seat.
3. There are ashtrays in the aircraft in case you accidentally smoke.
It is a rule on the plane that smoking is not allowed. However, there are some people who still can't help but smoke even if there are fines. In case you're one of those people, there are ashtrays in the toilet.
4. Only a "superficial cleanup" is being done on the aircraft.
If you think they wash the blankets, seat trays, and food trays, then you are wrong. Airline crews only refold blankets and pillows and wipe seat trays and ash food trays, so if I were you, I would just bring my own pillow and blanket.
5. Lavatory doors have multiple ways to open.
Flight attendants can open the door from the outside even if it is locked inside. If you also pull up the "No Smoking" sign in the toilet, there is a bolt you can turn to open the door.
6. Do not drink too much alcohol.
One glass of alcohol while in the flight is equivalent to two on the ground. Some flight attendants won't tell you this, so in case you drink, make it very minimal.
7. Do not seat on bulkhead seats as much as possible.
Passengers with babies are usually seated on bulkhead seats. They have the tendency to be noisier than the regular seats.
8. Don't cheer upon landing.
Some people may think of applauding the crews and pilot for delivering a safe flight, however, you don't need to applaud as you are not on a game show or any program.
9. Drink bottled waters only.
There is a higher number of bacteria on an aircraft, so instead of asking for tea or coffee, ask for a bottled water.
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