Head Up Parents: Beware of These 5 Common Mistakes That You Usually Do Which Leads Your Children To Be Ill-Mannered

The above statement is supported by Mrs. Emma Senner, a famous host of the TV show “Take Home Nanny.” Senner mentioned that parents normally do different mistakes in dealing with their children which normally leads to serious consequences.
Below are the 5 common mistakes of parents in dealing with their child:
You don’t let others scold them
During our younger years, our parents gave free will to our teachers to discipline us especially when we are not properly behaving. But nowadays, millennial parents are not pleased when teachers or other elderly are giving words of wisdom to their children. They usually misinterpret the supposed to be an act of kindness in correcting the child’s rude behavior and they get mad when others scold their kids. As a result, you are letting your kids misbehave and the teacher or even you could not stop or control them.
You give them too much attention
Yes, it is your responsibility as a parent to look after your child but it is very important to know that you do not have to give them even the smallest stuff and attention that they do not need. It is also your responsibility as parents to teach them the essence of right and wrong.
You are afraid of your children
You easily give in to their demands because you don’t want them to cry and feel disappointed or frustrated. This way, you are letting your children command you and let them be the decision maker in the house. If they get frustrated, let them cry and let go of their emotions, if you do not want to hear it, stay away from them. This is one good way in making them understand that you are the one in control of the situation and will also help you not to raise a spoiled brat.
You take the parental shortcuts
As a parent, you should not give-in to shortcuts to reduce your child’s boredom which leads them to misbehave. Never ever offer them to use a gadget while waiting for something, this method teaches them how to be impatient. Just let them be, after all, being bored leads someone to be creative.
You usually justify your children’s fault
When you always caught yourself saying “It’s okay, they’re children anyway” or “It’s a child thing,” then you are being a lazy parent. Justifying your child’s wrong behavior will make them feel that it is okay to do such thing because “they’re children anyway.” It is important to instill kindness and good manners to your children and letting them know if they did something bad instead of justifying their actions.
Source: Pinoy Health and Remedies