The Confidential News

Widow Gave Birth To A Baby Girl Three Years After Her Husband’s Death. How She Did It Will Amaze You!

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A widow gave birth to a baby girl three years after her husband’s death—by using his preserved sperm.

Pei Xia Chen gave birth to Angelina on Tuesday, July 25. The baby’s father, Officer Wenjian Liu, 32, is a New York Police Department’s (NYPD) officer. He was shot and killed on December 2014 as he sat inside the patrol car along with Officer Rafael Ramos, 40.

On the night of the unfortunate incident, Chen asked for her husband’s semen to be frozen, according to the report of New York Daily News. They were only married for three months then.

On the night of his death, Chen had a dream of her husband handing her a baby girl.
“I told my friend, ‘It’s going to be a girl.’ My friend said, ‘No, you haven’t even checked the sonograms.’ But I was right,” Chen said.

Liu’s mother told the Daily News that Angelina was “like an angel, like my son is an angel. I’m just so happy.” She also told the news outlet that the baby looked like her son and daughter-in-law.
“She looks like my daughter-in-law. But this part, the eyes, and the forehead, looks like my son. The top of the face looks like my son. The bottom looks like her mother. The head looks exactly like my son. I see my son in her,” she said.

Chen reportedly attempted to get pregnant, but when she conceived she didn’t inform her in-laws.

“She kept trying, but she was worried about them worrying about her. So she didn’t tell them until it was successful,” Susan Zhuang, chief of staff for Assemblyman William Colton, told the news outlet.

Here are some of the netizens’ comments:

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Source: LF

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