The Confidential News

Controversial: Alden Richards Admitted that He's Falling in Love with Maine Mendoza Trends Online!

According to the report of INQUIRER,  Alden Richards had his Twitter followers guessing if he meant what he posted recently on his account: “I think I’m falling for MM.”

Image from
That was his controversial post last midnight which was obviously referring to Maine "Yaya Dub" Mendoza, the other half of Aldub loveteam.

As claimed by a report, Richards immediately removed the post which only lasted for 17 seconds on his official account, the fans were baffled because of this incident.

Many were thinking that it was not him who posted it, they even asked why would he be deleting it right after posting on his account? Although the followers felt his shivering love for Maine.

People are now wondering if Bae Alden's twitter account was hacked. But the fans checked it and claimed that his account is working normally.

As we all know, Aldub trends for almost everyday from the day that it was discovered and maybe he wouldn't want to be accused for just using their love team to boost up his own fame.

He’s aware that his love team with Maine is the biggest thing now on television and he wouldn’t want to confuse the fans with his feelings.

What are your thoughts about this controversy? Share it with us!


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  1. Well, he's probably referring to Mochagirl Mae. Her real name is Mary Mae, while Yaya Dub is Nicomaine, if I'm not mistaken



