The Confidential News

Controversial: Doctor's Receptionist Glued a Little Kid's Eye Shut!...The Reason Why Baffled Everyone!

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Doctors should be a qualified practitioner, without enough knowledge, the patient could be in serious danger. These under-qualified physicians could even be the reason of someone's death or could make your illness even worse.

Just like what happened to a three-year-old boy who was reportedly glued his eye shut by a doctor's receptionist. The mother has gone public with a video showing the awful pain that her son is going through.

According to the report of MirrorJulia Vavatsikos took her son Vinnie to a private hospital near their home in Montreal, Canada in July after the family cat had scratched him on the eyelid. Watch the full report on the video below.

The mother said that she don't want any other kid, baby or adult to go through what her son went through to the inexperienced doctor.

Any thoughts about this story? Share it with us in the comment box down below!

Source: Mirror


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