The Confidential News

You Will Be Amazed On Pope Francis' Hidden Talent!

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Being a pope is like being the president of America, Pope Francis , was tag as a pope for all walks of life as he represents everyone. Everyone would really show respect and compassion to his works. All of a sudden everything goes loco when pope Francis showed his trick under his divine sleeves.

Pope visit the United States of America after coming to Philippines to lead a prayer convention as he call all the bishop of the states to lead a prayer for their beloved country and as the Pope offered to the Altar , then he prayed and suddenly he pulled the table cloth just like a magician or a waiter showing their table trick.

Even a pope can put up a joke or a trick to make people happy and surprise.He just proved that he is the right pope for our new era where famine and sorrow is all around.

Source: Boy Viral


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